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Digital Billboard Advertising - Digital Advertising Media - (Digital Signage, Billboards and Menu Boards)

Digital Billboard Advertising

Digital billboards are built and placed like traditional billboards except that they have giant LCD display screens instead of vinyl. There are also digital ads that does not use any screens at all but makes use of projectors instead in order to have a 3D life- like effect on their ads. In the beginning of this advance form of billboards advertising, they only involved huge television screens on highways that change advertisements every now and then. But nowadays, people can actually manipulate billboards using WiFi and Bluetooth. Just like that McDonald’s billboard that allows you to play ping pong or that Jell- O Pudding Billboard that is powered by twitter. Some billboards have even incorporated augmented reality to impress the audience just like Axe’s “Fallen Angels” subway advertising in London which attracted a lot of male commuters and non- commuters or SMRT Media’s “Million Dollar Grab” campaign in Singapore.

 The reason why digital ads are so successful is because it effectively engages the audience. It enables them to interact and manipulate the advertisements. Thus creating a more personal and memorable experience for the potential consumers. It’s also very eye- catching. I mean, who could ignore an ad that is so spontaneous and clever which also includes beautiful girls falling from the sky (referring to Axe’s ad campaign)? And there’s that opportunity to create “the next big thing” in Effective Advertising. Using digital ads effectively can provide outdoor advertisers that element of surprise to delight and capture the consumers’ attention.

Digital Billboards may be the future of advertising but digital ads aren’t perfect. For one thing, it definitely costs more than traditional outdoor advertising. And there’s also that issue of being a visual pollution and distraction drivers. It can also be harmful to people during storms and hurricanes. Because of this, more cities are banning billboard outdoor advertising. So chances are that this isn’t the best platform especially for small businesses.

The good news is that there’s always a solution to every problem. Digital billboards can be placed on subways or train stations. They could also be placed on buses for Digital Bus Advertising. The billboards will be smaller but at least they won’t be harmful to anybody. Placing ads on transit systems will also generate more exposure than ads placed on highways since there will be a lot of commuters using the public vehicles. With this platform, the ad message is taken to where the people are. Media advertising agencies, like SMRT Media, provides a lot of Digital Media platforms. It also offers one of the largest outdoor advertising solutions in Singapore by making use of its wide network system.

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